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November 16, 2015
Princeton Cemetery Commission
Meeting – Monday November 16, 2015
Town Hall Meeting Room
December 7, 2015

Present: Lou Trostel, Lynne Grettum, Paul Constantino and Ron Milenski

Meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Lynne Grettum at 7:05 pm in the        Town Hall meeting room.

Prior Meeting Minutes Review

The July 2015 Meeting Minutes were reviewed and approved as written.

The October 2015 Meeting Minutes were reviewed with one typo corrected -         (lacing, corrected to placing) otherwise the minutes were approved as written.

Budget Process for Fiscal Year 2017

The 2017 budget process has not commenced, but Superintendent Brown is gathering information for capital acquisitions /expenses related to cemetery department’s 2017 operational needs. A major need is the replacement of the cemetery department’s one ton dump truck. This truck is old; in poor condition and no longer safe and reliable for daily work use. One option is to acquire by means of “A Hand Me Down” from Highway Department their one ton dump truck. This “Hand Me Down’ option is contingent upon the capital approval of a new one ton dump truck for the Highway department.

Foreman, Jamie Deloge – Transfer to Buildings Maintenance and then to the Department Highway

In order to facilitate the full time employment of the Cemetery Department’s Foreman, Jamie Deloge, she will transfer to the Buildings and Highway department during the late fall and winter. This provides Jamie with full time employment and facilitates the return of an outstanding employee to the Cemetery Department for April through November work duties. Full details regarding her wage and benefits have yet to be determined.

Cemetery Rules and Regulations

Additional discussion regarding the Cemetery Rules and Regulations will be continued until the December meeting, when Superintendent Brown is present. Chairman, Grettum prefers to have Brown’s input pertaining to permitting of shrub plantings on cemetery grounds. She also suggested that a “Glossary of Terms” be created and included with the Cemetery Rules and Regulations. For example: this will clarify terms such as “lot” vs. “plot”. All members were in agreement.

The next meeting is scheduled for December 14, 2015 at 7:00 pm.
The meeting adjourned at 7:46 pm.
Submitted by Ron Milenski, Secretary    